Prof Vitaliy Kurlin: mathematics & computer science

Data Science theory and applications. Everything is possible!

E-mail: vitaliy.kurlin(at), University of Liverpool, UK

Lattice Geometry within a new area of Geometric Data Science based on papers in

FoCM 2024   Chirality 2023   ACA 2023   CRaT 2020   CCCG 2015  

Mathematics of 2D lattices

quotient square of all 2D lattices

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Continuous chiral distances for 2D lattices

root chiral distance projective chiral distance
  • Matt Bright, Andy Cooper, Vitaliy Kurlin.
  • Continuous chiral distances for 2-dimensional lattices.
  • Journal Chirality, v.35 (12), p.920-936, 2023.
  • Special issue of the International Symposium on Chirality 2022.
  • PDF [17 pages, 4.2M]   url [official link]  

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Geographic-style maps for 2D lattices

map of 2D lattices from CSD crystals

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Voronoi-based metrics on lattices

ambiguous cells of a lattice

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Relaxed disk packing

disk packing
  • Herbert Edelsbrunner, Mabel Iglesias-Ham, Vitaliy Kurlin.
  • Relaxed disk packing.
  • Proceedings of CCCG 2015: Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, p.128-135.
  • PDF [8 pages, 390K]   url [official link]   url [early version]  

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