Prof Vitaliy Kurlin: mathematics & computer science

Data Science theory and applications. Everything is possible!

E-mail: vitaliy.kurlin(at), University of Liverpool, UK

Project Topological Data Analysis based on papers in

APCT 2024 | PR 2021 | AAM 2019 | PRL 2016 | CGF 2015 | CAIP 2015 | CVPR 2014

Generic metric spaces have trivial 1D persistence

point cloud with trivial 1D persistence

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HoPeS = Homologically Persistent Skeleton

HoPeS on 10 points 1D persistence of 10 points
  • Phil Smith, Vitaliy Kurlin.
  • Skeletonisation algorithms with theoretical guarantees for unorganised point clouds with high levels of noise.
  • Pattern Recognition, v.115 (2021), 107902.
  • PDF [extended, 48 pages, 7.6M]   url [official link]

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Higher-dimensional skeleton HoPeS

2D HoPeS
  • Sara Kalisnik, Vitaliy Kurlin, Davorin Lesnik.
  • A higher-dimensional Homologically Persistent Skeleton.
  • Advances in Applied Mathematics, v.102 (2019), p.113-142.
  • PDF [30 pages, 1M]   url [official link]

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Persistence-based segmentation of noisy 2D clouds

original image noisy input segmentation
  • Vitaliy Kurlin.
  • A fast persistence-based segmentation of noisy 2D clouds with provable guarantees.
  • Pattern Recognition Letters, v. 83 (2016), p. 3-12.
  • PDF [full version: 16 pages, 4.2M]   bib [code: beta-version]  

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HoPeS : a Homologically Persistent Skeleton

cloud   skeleton
  • Vitaliy Kurlin.
  • A one-dimensional Homologically Persistent Skeleton of a point cloud in any metric space.
  • Computer Graphics Forum, v. 34, no. 5 (2015), p. 253-262.
    A special issue devoted to SGP 2015: Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing.
  • PDF [extended, 14 pages, 3.2M]   url [official link]   bib [code: beta-version]

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Persistent skeletonisation of images

hieroglyph reconstruction hieroglyph reconstruction
  • Vitaliy Kurlin.
  • A Homologically Persistent Skeleton is a fast and robust descriptor of interest points in 2D images.
  • Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 9265 (2015), p. 606-617.
  • Proceedings of CAIP 2015: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns.
  • PDF [extended: 26 pages, 3M]   Poster [pdf, 1.1M]   bib [code: beta]  

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Topologically persistent holes in noisy clouds

  • Vitaliy Kurlin.
  • A fast and robust algorithm to count topologically persistent holes in noisy clouds.
  • Proceedings of CVPR 2014: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, p. 1458-1463, a top 3 conference in entire Computer Science and the highest h-index conference.
  • PDF [extended: 10 pages, 1.6M]   bib [code: beta-version]   url [official link]

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